Convert consumers into repeat customers with Conversational Retail

Elevate your sales with personalized and user-friendly chat-based purchasing, offering expert advice anytime, anywhere.


Growing your E-Commerce business
through TechnoWizards

Cut down on the total sales cycle

The power of the eCommerce chatbot can create a highly tailored and personalised shopping experience for your visitors. Through intelligent product recommendations and interactive conversations, the chatbot guides customers towards making a purchase, bridging the gap between product awareness and actual conversion.

E-Commerce chatbot not only enhances customer engagement but also boosts sales by minimising the time and effort required for customers to make a purchase decision.

Share order notifications and updates

The eCommerce chatbot is designed to streamline and automate post-purchase procedures, ensuring a seamless customer experience. By integrating with WhatsApp message templates, the chatbot can efficiently distribute these updates to customers, ensuring they are promptly informed about any changes or actions related to their orders.

This automation not only saves time and effort for both the business and the customers but also enhances transparency and customer satisfaction by keeping them informed about the entire post-purchase journey.

Sell products on WhatsApp directly

With our chatbot, you can enable customers to access your product catalouge, explore different items, add then to their cart, and complete the purchase, all within the familiar interface of WhatsApp. This streamlined process eliminates the need for customers to navigate to other websites or apps, making it convenient and seamless for them to make purchases.

By offering an end-to-end purchasing experience on WhatsApp, you can provide a frictionless shopping experience that enhances customer satisfaction and boosts sales.

Optimise marketing strategies for qualified leads

By eCommerce chatbots, you can execute marketing campaigns across multiple media channels. These chatbots enable you to engage with customers in a personalised manner, utilising conversational AI to deliver targeted messages.

The chatbot facilitates seamless interactions, providing a smooth customer experience and driving conversions for your business.



Powering 100,000+ of the best
customer experiences